Sunday, August 31, 2008

Finger KNITTING Good!

This could be addicting. Or maybe it's just my addictive personality. This is such a quick crafty fix that it's difficult to stop! The orange one was my very first finger knitting attempt. West De Pere's colors are orange & black. . .so I figured what the heck! It's more of a children's version of the cool scarfy things that are popping up. The beigish colored one is actually a combo of fancy shmancy type yarn & a soft chenille type yarn. The picture does not show it very well. Obviously, the one on the right is Christmasy. I like this one the best so far. I do have another one started with light blue fun fur. Not sure about that one yet though.

I highly recommend this craft to anyone with fingers & yarn. You can find a great tutorial HERE. And you can definately notice the difference in the quality when you use cheap yarn vs nice yarn. And the beauty of this quick craft is that if you totally mess up. . no WASTE! Just unravel & begin again. Gotta love that!
Oh, & you're getting a sneak peak of my first quilting attempt. . .can't wait to get that done!

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